Wednesday, 26 June 2013

belper news and the bbc #belperarttrail

there is soo much exciting stuff to write about today i'm a bit too excited to know where to start.

so as the song goes, time to start at the very beginning and in true big bang style will so swerve the opportunity to talk about the collection of gas that exploded and millions of years later we find ourselves with running water, electricity and a means of publicating words to a world wide web...

when we launched the call out back in october we had very little idea of what works would be submitted. we certainly didn't expect a work that would so well resonate with strutt's north mill.  we also couldn't forsee the evolution of staff at the mill so it is really pleasing that we've managed to once again include the basement of the north mill in the art trail.

so keeping with our sub-theme of discovering while on the trail, we're please to announce that on sunday 7th july we have a special event at 1pm till 3pm at strutt's north mill where artist tim shore will be available to chat with about his work installed in the basement of the mill.

this story is featured in the belper news

and is listed as something to do on the bbc website things to do. 

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